5 Tips For Maintaining Your Fence in The Winter

Winter is a time when you might see some or all of your fence starting to sag and buckle. It's the perfect time to take a few precautions and be sure your fence can stand up against the elements as winter turns into spring. The elements are harsher during the winter months, and your fence is under more stress. If you are struggling to maintain your fence during the winter, here are 5 tips that may help.
1. Keep your Trees Trimmed
We know how much work trimming trees can be, but keeping their branches away from your fence is essential. It's best to keep at least three feet away from the wooden portions of your fence. Branches that are much closer than that can sway in the wind and put pressure on the wooden slats of your fence; this could potentially cause a break in the slats or a portion of the fence to fall down altogether.
2. Remove the Ice
It's essential to remove the ice from your fence during the winter months. You don't want to leave ice on your fence in the winter, especially if it's on a warm day. Freezing temperatures can cause your fence to crack and buckle, especially if you have wooden portions of the fence that are exposed to direct sunlight. If you see ice build-up on your fence, use hot water and a detergent solution to scrub it away; make sure you completely rinse the area after removing any ice.
3. Keep It Clean and Dry
During the winter, you might have some issues with your fence getting wet. It's important to remove any snow off your fence as soon as you see it. This will prevent water damage to the wood, rusting of the metal, and potentially cause the wood and metal of your fence to freeze together.
4. Make Repairs if your Fence Needs It
If you see damage on your fence, you should make repairs as soon as possible. If an entire section of your fence has fallen or is sagging, you will want to repair it, so it doesn't continue to do more damage to the area surrounding it. You'll save money and prevent major problems in the future by making the necessary repairs to your fence now.
5. Keep an Eye on the Shifting Soil
When the ground is frozen, it can seem like your fence is staying in place. However, frozen soil has quite a bit of movement. The soil can still shift and thaw; this could cause your fence to be pushed into an uneven position. When the ground does begin to thaw out in the spring, you will want to make sure that your fence stays in a level position.
Remember, your fence is an investment. You want to make sure it stays in good condition for years to come. You can ensure that your fence will stand firm through the long winter months by following these tips. Contact Armor Fence today if you need help maintaining your fence in the winter. We offer the best fence services in the area and can help you keep your fence strong through the freezing temperatures of winter.